Behind the scenes, construction of 'Celebrate' card design


preparations ...

Here's an exercise for a cold gray February day: ...Imagine a perfectly sunny spring afternoon, meandering along forest edge and trails in search of ripe salmonberries and their blossoms,wild rosebuds scenting the warm air...  If you didn't yet have spring fever, that might've done it. I was recalling the day I'd set out to find the perfect ingredients for a design that would convey a message of celebration, since I just added it to my Etsy shop this week.

As promised, here's a photo of the 'Celebrate' card design in progress. If you'd like to see the final result , check it out  here:

Imagination is a powerful force-as I write, the sun is attempting to shine! I  put off my daily walk this morning with the hope that it might warm up a bit, and I just might have gotten lucky. Each time I set out, I breathe in the unique smells of the day as I walk along, and notice where they're coming from. This time of year, it might be smoke from neighboring woodstove fires, or the earthiness of decomposition. Ever mindful of seasonal transitions, recently formed catkins hanging from wild hazelnut trees around the area have caught my eye, as I wonder what new ingredients might reveal themselves in the coming weeks.

Stay tuned for photos and updates! Let the sun shine.